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Dear citizens of Nightmare City,



First, please apologize for the delay and lack of our updates recently, but we're currently also working hard on a second feature film and an international series project which might include a big bonus for all of our backers. Also, I had to face some health issues recently. The hard, continuous work and stress of the last few months began to take its toll on me, but I'm fine again and working full steam again.



A few backers who haven't joined our backstage group on facebook might be worried about the lack of updates, but once again, please note that we are posting more exclusive updates, news and info there constantly, and we have asked all of our backers several times to join the group. So, once again: if you haven't joined our backstage group please send us an email to get the link and access to our group and to make sure that you won't miss any news.



From now on we will send most of our updates directly to your email address and not publically post it on Indiegogo, because some of the updates might include confidential info and material, like artworks, pages from the script, etc. and will be for our community only. So, please make sure that your email address (and postal address) on Indiegogo is still up-to-date.


For those who didn't get our info in our group:

We're currently about to close a multi output deal for our films with a renowned company which will include our Nightmare City remake and a second, very cool movie project (action/horror) with lots of popular actors.

Because of its commercial value and the big names we might get for our second film, the company would like to do us that film first, which means we would have to delay the filming of Nightmare City, but would do it right after the filming of our second (first) film.



We know that everyone is eagerly waiting for their perks and that the filming of Nightmare City will finally begin and maybe worried about the delay, but we hope you can understand that we're just independent filmmakers and depending on the guys with the money, and this is a unique and very big chance for everyone.



I also have been a backer of many crowdfunding campaigns over the last few years, so I know how important it is to have a good interaction & communication with all backers and to ensure that every backer will be treated right and get their perks and more.

That's why we're working on a special offer and bonus, which will be something unique and outstanding for our backers in the history of crowdfunding - here's our plan:

Every backer who has purchased a ROLE PERK for Nightmare City (Be an extra or zombie, Get killed by a Zombie, Supporting Role, Role upgrades, Associate producer, Fanboy package...) will get the chance to be in our upcoming second movie, too, as an extra or zombie - FOR FREE!



The planned cast for our second film might feature some A-list stars and lots of popular actors from hit series such as Game Of Thrones, Supernatural, Star Trek, Firefly and The X-Files and a very popular action-star....

As a compensation for the long waiting time and the delay of Nightmare City we would offer that EVERY BACKER who has backed our Nightmare City project (until today), would get a THANK YOU CREDIT in our second film PLUS the digital download of the film for free once it's completed! Which means every backer of NIGHTMARE CITY will be a part of 2 cool feature films with a top cast.



We're working on and hoping to be able to close the deal and the negotiations with actors and the financiers soon. If everything goes well we would shoot the second action-horror film within the next few months and then Nightmare City right after in Spring 2017. Additionally, our European partners are currently pitching Nightmare City as a (mini-)series event to international networks.



We are very sorry that the production of our film and the perk fulfillment takes longer than we initially thought. We deeply apologize for that and we are asking for your patience, trust and understanding. Filmmaking has become very tough and like many other filmmakers, we also had to face some unforeseen obstacles and delays. The making of a good high quality feature film usually takes between 2 - 5 years from development to release. We're really working hard on Nightmare City and doing our best to move on as quickly as possible. We really want to get the best for our project and for all of our backers.


It's very difficult to get a really good horror and zombie film financed and produced nowadays, because of the collapse of the DVD market studios, sales companies and investors have become very cautious and stingy and don't want or aren't able to spend much money on genre films anymore. It has become very difficult to get a budget above $ 1 million USD nowadays for a film like ours, even renowned film makers like George A. Romero or John Carpenter are facing that problem:


In order to make a really good horror film with really cool special FX and to make Nightmare City a great remake, we are working hard on getting a bigger budget and a big cast, so that everyone will be proud of this production. Of course one could also do it with a very low budget, but we really don't want to do a quick, cheesy low budget film with cheap effects and low quality.


We're now only waiting for the green-light from the financiers / sales people. They have lots of other productions in pre- and post-production and production, so we're now in the waiting line, but as soon as we got green light we will move on as quickly as possible with the production and release in 2017. Once we have completed the production of our films we will do our best that every backer will get their perks as quickly as possible.



If you have any questions you can send us a message anytime to:


Again, Thank you so much for your continuous support and for your patience.

We're really grateful to have such a great, loyal, enthusiastic and fantastic community on our side!

On behalf of the entire team I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your support, your loyalty and your patience. Please keep standing behind us and patient, together we will make this a great movie and remake everyone will be proud of.


Thank you so much!



Team Nightmare City / Monstaworx



If you haven't seen our exclusive concept / storyboard arts in our backstage group on Facebook yet, we will send you a download link soon where you can download it.  The storyboard / concept arts are from the very talented Chadwick St. John / Inkshadows and are showing the opening scene fo our film and a scene at the hospital during the outbreak of the virus. We will send you an email with a link to more artworks before Christmas. Here's a first preview:


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